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With over 60 home languages spoken, Burlington's student body represents a broad range of cultures and backgrounds. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment for students and staff, and appreciate the perspectives that applicants from all backgrounds can bring. We are most interested in finding the right candidates for our jobs, and that may be someone who comes from a less traditional background. You do not need to meet every qualification to apply - we hope to have the pleasure of considering you for our positions!

To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications.

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Current Burlington employees interested in applying to positions will need to create an account on Recruit & Hire through the "Internal" link above. Once that is done, you will be able to access our internal opportunities and application.

Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Special Education Teacher Developmental Skills Classroom Elementary 2024/202512/24/2024Severe Special Education Certification ElementaryPine Glen Elementary SchoolApply
Building Based Permanent Substitute Elementary 2024/202512/11/2024Elementary CertifiedFox Hill Elementary SchoolApply
Special Education Instructional Assistants Elementary 2024/202512/10/2024Severe Special Education Certification ElementaryPine Glen Elementary SchoolApply
Per Diem Substitute Nurses12/10/2024Registered NurseDistrict WideApply
High School Mathematics Instructional Assistant - 2024/202512/09/2024Secondary CertifiedBurlington High SchoolApply
Home Tutor Districtwide 2024/202510/16/2024DistrictwideDistrict WideApply
Special Education Teachers High School 2024/202508/27/2024Severe Special Education Certification SecondaryBurlington High SchoolApply
Per Diem Substitute Teachers 2024/202508/05/2024SubstituteDistrict WideApply
After School Program Teacher 2024/202507/17/2024ChildcareBefore & After School ProgramApply
Cafeteria Substitute09/01/2020SubstituteDistrict WideApply